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Yan Breuleux

Yan Breuleux (MASc, D.Mus) is an full professor at the NAD-UQAC UQAC School (School of Digital Arts, Animation and Design), co-researcher in the Hexagram network and director of the Mimesis laboratory. His artistic practice is in the field of visual music for immersive devices. Since 2012, he has designed several FullDome experiences such as Nuée/Swarm (2015), Les Planètes (2018) Enigma (2019) and Matière Première (2023). This last project was recently broadcast in Taiwan in a dome created by the C-Lab collective. His project was also accepted at the Mapping festival  in Geneva in May 2024. Since 1998, as part of the duo Purform, in collaboration with Alain Thibault, Yan Breuleux has collaborated as a visual artist on numerous immersive experiences broadcast at international festivals.





Merci pour votre envoi !

© 2023: Yan Breuleux

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